Star wars the force awakens full movie leak
Star wars the force awakens full movie leak

star wars the force awakens full movie leak

There is a chance that the movie novelization will already be published in this stage (see below). This stage ends with a wave of partial movie adaptations on December 15, 2015. However, as this stage coincides with the second season of Star Wars Rebels, only one half of the new books will focus on The Force Awakens, the other will focus on Rebels. We will get a book on the art of Episode VII, we will get prequel (junior) novels and a bunch more. The Pre-Release Stage (November/early December 2015) This stage will feature the first wave of spoilers. Hints about the movie’s plot will be present, but they will literally be just hints. Also expect the first wave of books featuring artwork of ships, characters and locations from the new movie. The Introduction Stage (September/October 2015): Books released in this time period will offer first glimpses into the post- Return of the Jedi timeline. These stages have been named by me, but they reflect how things will work out as far as I can see. Let me list those stages first before going into more detail on each of them. And after that date, there is a staged publishing schedule that regulates the flow of officially approved movie spoilers. Let’s start with the most obvious question: When will there be books introducing us to the new movie? The answer is: not before September 2015.

star wars the force awakens full movie leak

Also, for the purposes of this article, we will ignore movie-based calendars, which you can already find aplenty on Amazon, to be released as early as July. While the juicy details will not be revealed before Celebration Anaheim, we already know surprisingly much and can deduce quite a bit more.

star wars the force awakens full movie leak

Some of this information is based on leaks from here and here that have since been corroborated by official listings in publishing catalogues and on Amazon (more on that later). None of the information in this article is strictly speaking new – it has been floating around the world wide web for a while, though for some part only in German at my main project – but it has never been compiled in this fashion and odds are you will discover some bits of information that you have missed previously. This post will summarize what is known so far and make a few educated guesses. With The Force Awakens on the horizon, publishers will launch all kinds of new novels, junior novels, children’s books and reference books leading up to and accompanying the movie’s release.

Star wars the force awakens full movie leak